This combined with this makes me wonder one thing…do we teach civics anymore in America? Think about this: there are 9 people who serve lifetime appointments and have final say on ALL CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS IN THIS COUNTRY. Don’t you think we should be able to name them? Then again this still tops every survey about the decline of the educational system in America.
Now, there is plenty to say about oil spills (the blame game continues), Israel (the Regime condemned their actions today), and also Obama’s speech in Pittsburgh yesterday, but I want to stick to his meeting with Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona this afternoon. There talked about the law, I am going to give the President the benefit of the doubt that he has read the bill, but the most important thing is that he is still clueless about what is happening inside his own Administration. He says he will send 1200 National Guard troops to the boarder, but he doesn’t know where. That $500 million pledged is still a hypothetical number. The real problem however is that the President continues to overlook the key term in this debate: illegal immigrant. The key is that first word illegal. Shouldn’t all discussion end with that one word? Of course, it cannot, because Obama wants to wave his hand (like Reagan did) and afford 10-15 million new citizens to join our social welfare programs, and, most importantly, vote Democrat.
I want to know, if the Federal Government sues Arizona for enforcing Federal law if the next thing Obama will go after is the 10th Amendment. It is clear he has a disdain for Federalism (less power for him), but to challenge state’s rights over a bill that is meant to increase the crime fighting capabilities of law enforcement seems to be the last type of law the Federal Government should ever challenge. There is no possible way a challenge to this law will ever succeed (plus there are already at least 5 that are pending) and I think Obama and Holder know this.
I am also glad that my computer battery died before I could post this because of this. Yes, it says Obama wants everything in the open. Yes, if you believe that, your only source of news is the White House website. There is a reason that media most media is not a wing of the government and that is to provide an independent and investigative look at what our leaders do. No one who seriously follows politics believed that Kagan would be a moderate voice on the court- it was the same with the Bush nominees…which is the problem with SCOTUS. There is too much partisan politics involved with the process. Remember that Rahm Emanuel is running the show at 1600 Penn and no crisis will go to waste under him. Politically, Emanuel is not stupid, though engineering the 2006 congressional takeover did not take a genius (albeit being a political operative is a great diet). The point is that Kagan was a carefully calculated nominee, as are all SCOTUS nominees in the 21st century. No one wants to have a nominee “Borked” which is why Obama nominated someone who has little paper record and he hoped the media would protect. This was because he knows that in 7 months the dream of forcing the rehashed progressive ideas of Herbert Croly formed 100 years ago are no longer going to be politically viable. Let us hope that Kagan is the last (yes, she will be confirmed) of the “change” most of my generation celebrated.
h/t To my dad on the illegal immigrant comments (the looking past the illegal part of the term). What he said to me made too much sense not to reproduce. Then again it should not come as a surprise that the man who introduced me to talk radio and politics would say something I think is 100% spot on. This is not to say I am a complete reproduction of my father's opinions, but I have yet to find something we disagree on. I chalk it up to us being right more often than the rest of the conservative media. Do no get me started on certain people, who, shall we say, focus on entertainment more than information. They disgust me. If your job is to comment on should do more than repeat simple, conservative talking points that most children learn when they get their first job. Some talk show hosts do not understand this, or do not want to tackle the task of informing their audiences. It would be a disservice to those listening if there was not a dial on every radio. Therefore, it only reflects poorly on the drones who tune in to those shows (this is not about the following: Glenn Beck, Rush, Sean Hannity, and Mark an avid talk radio fan I know I left others out as it is impossible to cover everyone, but those are the major names at their time slots. Bob Bennett also does a great job at informing his audience.)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
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