Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Job Offers to the Employed

There are two pieces of wisdom that most people received from their parents that allow you to judge the character of a person. The first is that ‘actions speak louder than words’. The second is that you can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps. It should not be a surprise that these two phrases have come up a lot more over the past few years with regards to the leadership in this country.
It has already been documented that the company Barack Obama keeps and kept during his formative years in Chicago is, at best, a group of people who have serious flaws. A mix of domestic terrorists (Bill Ayers), racists (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), and felons (Tony Rezko) are definitely the highlights of this group of close personal friends. Other members of the Chicago political elite who have cleaner histories (Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel) make up his team of close confidants, and the other crucial member of his team, Cass Sunstein, is not exactly a fan of individual freedom. This horse has been beat to death however, which is why I am moving on to the other piece of wisdom, which is judging a man by his actions.
The past week and a half has told us a lot about this President. He likes to point fingers (except at himself), he likes to start investigations (only to distance himself from his own failings), and, perhaps most importantly, he believes that he is above the law. First, the Joe Sestak job offer, which Obama has shown he has not had the proper counsel on how to handle this scandal that dates back a few months. We know that this is a Chicago style administration that will wheel and deal in order to give the people what they want give the people what they think we need. It is clear that Barack Obama will stop at nothing, even the law, in order to force his vision of America on the American people.
We now get this story today, that the offers did not end with Sestak, and now we are forced to wonder this: how many more races did this Administration try to influence with a shady quid pro quo involving government positions? We may never know, and despite the efforts of Darrell Issa the Republicans still are just the minority party. The only hope is make the public so outraged that the White House is trying to control who is in Congress that there is no option but to open an independent investigation. Time will tell, but the fact that the press is starting to hammer Gibbs on this issue is a good sign.

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