Thursday, April 11, 2013

When was the last time you watched the evening news?

Seriously. Think about this for a second. When was the last time you sat down and invited Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, or Scott Pelley into your home so they can tell you about the 6-7 stories that you need to know the most about. That is what these major broadcast networks are after right, fitting in the most important news of the day into 30 minutes, right?

As it turns out I had to get some routine maintenance done on my car last night and NBC was on the television. The local news was ending and luckily for me, the NBC Nightly News was starting. First off, a 6 minute plea for gun control featuring family members of Sandy Hook victims, zero pro-second amendment supporters, and gratuitous praise for Michelle Obama's speech in Chicago where she (like her husband) made the issue not about the second amendment or the victims but rather about herself. You see, Michelle Obama is Hadiya Pendleton, just like Trayvon Martin is her son (according to the President). More on this later today...

Anyways, the gun control plea was followed up by a report on the weather, followed by a report on immigration reform, followed by the return of Brood II cicadas, followed by a story on the Mona Lisa, and finally...the Pope met a rock star (Patti Smith....seriously, this was important enough for NBC to let us know about).

That's it. That is the world according to NBC.

As one friend who was more than patient while I ranted via text message to him said "It might as well be state run."

The sin that NBC committed isn't found solely in what they covered, it is also found in what they ignored. Dr. Kermitt Gosnell, one of the most evil men this country has ever produced, is currently on trial for the slaughter of over 100 babies. This is not some radical pro-life witch hunt that is going on Philadelphia, the city where Gosnell (I refuse to call him a doctor) "practiced," this is a murder trial. When you deliver a baby alive and kicking and then snip their spinal cord at the base of their neck, you are committing murder plain and simple. The details of what happened are too much for me to write because it is sickening to know that someone would not just think this was acceptable but carried this out over 100 times. Yet, NBC (and ABC and CBS) have not mentioned this case since it began.

No rebuttal allowed to the gun control plea, nothing from the right on immigration, nothing about Obama's budget (which was late per usual) blowing the lid off government spending again, but just remember that those cicadas are coming.

Conclusion: This is better than state run media. It's the media acting as an advocate for the White House not just by promoting their message but by blocking out stories or angles of stories that are unfavorable for President Obama. If you don't think the media is getting more open about their bias check out one of the nightly news programs from a broadcast network and prepare to enter the world of the low-information voter.

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